Via the A14 - exit 7 Schönebeck via the B246a towards Schönebeck/S.-Bad Salzelmen/

Via the B246a from the direction of Gommern

Via L63 from the direction of Calbe

Via the Magdeburger Straße from the direction of Magdeburg

From Schönebeck station you can reach our hotel on foot (approx. 650m). To do
this, go to Eggendorfer Str. towards the grading plant. Afterwards, cross the Kurpark
in the direction of Heinrich-Heine-Straße. From there, turn left into Magdeburger



Via the A14 - exit 7 Schönebeck via the B246a towards Schönebeck/S.-Bad Salzelmen/ Gommern/Welsleben

Via the B246a from the direction of Gommern

Via L63 from the direction of Calbe

Via the Magdeburger Straße from the direction of Magdeburg

  From Schönebeck station you can reach our hotel on foot (approx. 650m). To do this, go to Eggendorfer Str. towards the grading plant. Afterwards, cross the Kurpark in the direction of Heinrich-Heine-Straße. From there, turn left into Magdeburger Straße.


Via the A14 - exit 7 Schönebeck via the B246a towards Schönebeck/S.-Bad Salzelmen/ Gommern/Welsleben

Via the B246a from the direction of Gommern

Via L63 from the direction of Calbe

Via the Magdeburger Straße from the direction of Magdeburg

From Schönebeck station you can reach our hotel on foot (approx. 650m). To do this, go to Eggendorfer Str. towards the grading plant. Afterwards, cross the Kurpark in the direction of Heinrich-Heine-Straße. From there, turn left into Magdeburger Straße.


Whether you are planning your stay at our hotel or organising your celebration – on this page you will find all our cooperation partners at a glance. Here you can be inspired, browse through the various excursions in the area and plan your individual experiences.
In the over 200 years old brine park of Bad Salzelmen the largest graduation house with a total length of over 300m has found its location. The respirable brine aerosol produced during the graduation process is a valuable therapy supplement and contributes to a pleasant microclimate in the spa park.