You want to make a booking or have suggestions, requests or questions?

Here you have the opportunity to get in touch with us directly, whether by post, phone or e-mail, your interests are important to us.

The team of the Hotel am Kurpark is available for you personally every day from 06:00 to 00:00. You can of course contact us by e-mail at any time after these times.

We would be pleased to welcome you as our guests soon.

You want to make a booking or have suggestions, requests or questions?

Here you have the opportunity to get in touch with us directly, whether by post, phone or e-mail, your interests are important to us.

The team of the Hotel am Kurpark is available for you personally every day from 06:00 to 00:00. You can of course contact us by e-mail at any time after these times.

We would be pleased to welcome you as our guests soon.


Hotel am Kurpark
Claudia Borstel
Magdeburger Straße 1
39218 Schönebeck


Hotel am Kurpark
Claudia Borstel
Magdeburger Straße 1
39218 Schönebeck

you can reach us

tel.: 0 39 28 / 7 08 00
fax: 0 39 28 / 7 08 09 9